

About Skylight

At Skylight, we offer a diverse range of mental health services tailored to meet individual needs. Our offerings include personal support, engaging activity groups, therapeutic sessions, professional counselling, and specialised therapy. We also provide dedicated support for carers.

In addition to our core services, Skylight is committed to raising community awareness, offering valuable information, and advocating for better mental health policies and services. Join us in building a healthier, more supportive community.

Bright Colourful office building

What can we support you with?

NDIS Support

Support for Carers

Positions Vacant

Counselling & Therapy

Individual Support

Therapeutic Groups

What Our Participants Say

I enjoyed and got so much out of the program to aid my day to day struggles. Knowing that Skylight offered an opportunity to DBT was something that has been powerfully impacting in the most positive way.

Participant – DBT Group

I am blown away by the welcoming, kind and non-judgemental support that I have received as well as the new skills I have learnt to help me towards my recovery…

Participant – Therapeutic Groups

Words cannot possibly describe the difference my support worker made in my life, from the first call I received from her to this day and forever forward. Her positive attitude and compassionate and empathetic nature towards my personal circumstances were refreshing and encouraging.

Participant – Wellness Connect

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