Plan Management 

Skylight Mental Health offers a high-quality Plan Management service, which supports you to manage the funds in your NDIS plan. Skylight Plan Management takes the administrative hassle out of your NDIS plan, allowing you to make the most of your funding. Our Plan Managers aim to meet your needs through the latest technology and tools, giving you greater choice and control.

Skylight Mental Health Plan Management includes:

  • Processing invoices on your behalf, saving you time and hassle
  • Detailed monthly statements that outline how you utilise your plan
  • Monitoring your budgets to help you use your NDIS plan sustainably
  • Access to non-NDIS registered providers, giving you additional choice and control
  • Access to your plan information through our Participant Portal
  • Assistance from our Plan Management staff by utilising their NDIS expertise

Plan Management is great for anyone who would like assistance with the administration of their NDIS plan.

Fill out a Service Request by clicking the button below, or phone us on (08)83784100.

Live Chat

You can now chat with the Plan Management Team!
This service is available Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm – Click ‘Live Chat’ 

Already a Skylight Participant?

If you are an existing Skylight participant that would like to book a time to conduct a Plan Establishment Meeting, or chat to our Plan Managers, please book a meeting by clicking the button below or phone us on (08)83784100.`

Why Choose Skylight?

Fast & Reliable

  • Fill out our simple Expression of Interest form in a matter of minutes. Once submitted, our team will get in touch to begin organising your service.
  • Our Plan Management service agreements are valid until termination, meaning you won’t be hassled with paperwork every time you get a new plan.
  • We have fast processing invoices and reimbursements, with payment generally taking 2-4 business days on average.

High Quality

  • Confidence and control to view your invoices before they are processed, with the option to approve or decline them.
  • Bundle multiple services from Skylight Mental Health alongside Plan Management such as Support Coordination.
  • Our Plan Managers have extensive NDIS knowledge with expertise in NDIS mental health services. 

Easily Accessible

  • You can view the participant portal online, making it easy to log in and check your plan summary.
  • Our Plan Management services can be provided to anyone in Australia with an eligible NDIS plan.
  • We keep up to date with the latest technology to provide you with confidence that your plan is being managed effectively.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Prospective Participants

    How can I start receiving Plan Management services with Skylight’s Mental Health?
    Complete an Service Request by clicking the button at the bottom of this page. Your supports will begin within 2 business days of submitting a Service Request.

    How do I receive my monthly statement?
    You can receive your statement via email, the email of someone in your support network or via a postal address.

    How do I set up my participant portal?
    We will send you an email to access the Participant Portal when you begin receiving Plan Management from Skylight. You can request the team to resend your access to your portal at or by calling (08)83784100.

    What if I am currently plan managed by another organisation and want to change?
    Transitioning plan managers is smooth and easy with Skylight Mental Health, as we will process all compliant invoices for services delivered within your current NDIS plan. Complete our Service Request form, and once your previous plan manager has released your NDIS funds we will be able to commence delivering Plan Management supports.

    How quickly does Skylight pay invoices?
    We pay invoices within 2-4 business days after receiving them.

    Who can I contact to ask any other questions I have?
    If you have any other questions, you are welcome to contact our Customer Relations Team at or call (08)83784100.


    Current Participants

    Can I give someone else access to my Participant Portal?
    Absolutely! Send an email to with their name, email, and relationship to you.

    How can I access the Participant Portal?
    Click here to access the portal.

    How much funding do I have remaining?
    You can access your details about your funds via Participant Portal here.

    What can I spend my remaining funding on?
    Each funding category has different rules on what you can spend money on, so to determine what you can spend your money on, please contact our Plan Management team at or phone us on (08)83784100 to discuss.

    Can I view invoices that have been paid?
    Yes, they are all in the Participant Portal here.

    What happens when I get a new plan?
    Your Plan Management services roll over in accordance with your new plan, and you will receive an email notifying you of this. In this email, you will be invited to book a time for a Plan Establishment Meeting, where we can discuss your new plan details and funding. You can also book a time for a Plan Establishment Meeting here.

    What is Invoice Approval?
    Invoice Approval is a feature for you to be able to approve any invoice before they are paid. If you would like to enable invoice approval, please let us know by emailing us on at or phoning us on (08)83784100. This feature is optional and turned off by default.

    How can I claim a reimbursement?
    You can upload a reimbursement request by submitting it to with your bank account details.

    Support Providers

    How can I submit invoices to Skylight?
    Please email to submit an invoice.

    How quickly does Skylight pay invoices?
    We have payment terms of 2-4 business days for invoices. If an invoice is submitted with insufficient information or a compliance issue, we will contact you as soon as possible.

    What do I need to know about billing NDIS supports specifically?
    View this helpful guide on how NDIS supports should be billed.

    Has my invoice been received?
    Once you send through your invoice, you will receive an automated response confirming your submission.

    Where do I submit service agreements for participants who are Plan Managed by Skylight?
    We use service agreements to track committed funds. Please email with the attached service agreement.

    Where can I send general enquiries or questions?
    Please email with any general enquiries or questions you may have

    Group Activities

    Skylight provides Activity Groups to help you socialise, develop new friendships and explore a range of activities in your local community.

    Support for Carers

    Our Carer Support Programs are to assist people who are supporting a friend or loved one with mental illness.  We offer a number of support options for carers and family.

    Country Wellness Connections

    This program offers one-to-one coaching and group activities that support recovery for people with severe mental health challenges, who are not currently supported by the NDIS.

    Support Coordination

    Our Support Coordinators will support you to understand your Plan from the start and help you build your capacity going into the future.

    Find out how Skylight can support you today

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