Lived Experience Telephone Support Service
A caring voice over the phone for support with mental health conditions between 5 pm-11:30 pm, 365 days a year.
This service is designed to provide:
- information on mental health topics,
- navigation on the mental health system in Adelaide,
- real-time support.
The trained Peer Workers, who callers will chat to, have a personal lived experience of recovery and managing challenges to their mental health or caring for someone with mental health challenges. They will draw on this experience of recovery in providing non-clinical support and understanding of the caller’s unique experience.
Another unique aspect of the LETSS is the follow-up and wellbeing check service. Scheduled follow-ups and wellbeing checks can be arranged for individuals after they have been discharged from the hospital or other mental health services.
LETSS is only a phone call away 1800 013 755 or live chat via the LETSS website www.letss.org.au

This program is funded by the Adelaide Primary Health Network – an Australian Government Initiative.